
Toya Drew

Toya’s Journey

In search of more choices in her life and greater financial freedom, Toya started her own independent beauty business nearly 2 decades ago. Toya quickly soared to the top 1-percent of her company by developing and implementing the time-tested strategies for success she still uses today. As a result, Toya has earned more than $1 million in commissions and earned the use of 11 company career cars


A Mentor for Women Business Owners

Today, Toya partners with women interested in creating more choices and greater financial freedom in their lives.  She works with women to establish their own, independent businesses, and shares the same strategies she used to create business growth and prosperity.  Toya helps women avoid the ups-and-downs of being a business owner, through strategic pathways, designed to fast-track your goals and provide a stable foundation of support with tremendous opportunity for growth.

My Mission:

My mission is to fast-track women to success
to live a life of choices and unlimited financial abundance.